Local Notifications

Last updated on 7 Nov 2024.

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Getting Started

Send notifications to a user’s device locally from your app using a trigger, like a date, time interval, or when they enter / leave a specific location.

Before you get started, make sure to import the User Notifications library. You can add this to the top of your Swift file.

import UserNotifications

In order to send notifications to a user, you need the following

  1. Permission—request the user for permission to send notifications

  2. A Trigger—when do you want to send the notification?

  3. The notification's contents—what the notification will display and any actions the user can take from the notification.


In order to deliver a local notification, you will need to request permission as a user may consider notification-based interactions disruptive. You may know this as the familiar ""App Name" Would Like to Send You Notifications" alert you encounter when using an app that wants to send notifications.

Asking for Permission

When requesting authorization, choose options that your app will require.

  • .badge: Gives you the ability to update the app’s badge, the number you might see in the top corner of an app icon.

  • .sound: Gives you the ability to play sounds when a notification is delivered.

  • .alert: Gives you the ability to display alerts.

  • .carPlay: Gives you the ability to display notifications when the user is in a car, using CarPlay.

  • .criticalAlert: Gives you the ability to play sounds for critical alerts.

  • .providesAppNotificationSettings: An option indicating the system should display a button for in-app notification settings.

  • .provisional: Gives you the ability to post non-interrupting notifications provisionally to the Notification Center.

Use the following method to request authorization, and supply it with the necessary options.

let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()

try await center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge])

In the following example, a Button can be used to request authorization.

let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
Button("Can I Meow?") {
    Task {
        do {
            try await center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge])
        } catch {
            // Handle any errors here

Provisional Permissions Request

Provisional permissions requests can help a user make a decision on whether or not to enable notifications after trying it out. Think of this like a trial notification.

When you send a provisional notification, a user is presented with 2 options—"Keep…" and "Turn off…".

  • Keep…: The user is prompted with 2 options—Deliver Immediately or Deliver in Scheduled Summary.

    • Deliver Immediately: Your notifications will be delivered immediately, quietly.

      • While your app is granted permission to deliver notifications, your app does not have permission to show alerts, play sounds, or change the badge of the app icon.

      • Your notification only appears in the notification center history unless they change their notification settings.

    • Deliver in Scheduled Summary: Your notifications only appears if the person has Scheduled Summary On in Settings.

  • Turn Off…: The system confirms the selection before denying your app authorization to send additional notifications.

To create a provisional permission request, add the .provisional option.

try await center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge, .provisional])

When requesting authorization, the user does not get a prompt for permission to receive notifications. Instead, the first time you call this method, it automatically grants authorization.

Until the user either explicitly select "Keep…" or "Turn Off…", the authorization status remains .provisional. As the authorization status can change at any point, check the status before scheduling local notifications.

Checking Permissions

Before sending a notification, make sure to check the authorization status.

let settings = await center.notificationSettings()

guard settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized || settings.authorizationStatus == .provisional else {

In the following example, you can show and hide a Button based on whether or not sending notifications is authorized.

struct ContentView: View {
    let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
    @State private var authorizationStatus: UNAuthorizationStatus?
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 16))
            if authorizationStatus == .authorized || authorizationStatus == .provisional {
                Button("Meow Later!") {
                    // Send scheduled notification
        .task {
            let settings = await center.notificationSettings()
            authorizationStatus = settings.authorizationStatus


Triggers help you determine when to push a notification. There are 3 triggers—after a time interval, at a date, and when the user enters/leaves a specific location.

Notably, the notification only gets sent if the app is not open.

After a Time Interval

To trigger a notification after a time interval, after gaining permission, you can set a time interval to fire the notification.

You can set the repeat parameter, when true, the notification will be triggered every X seconds, where X is the time interval you set.

In the following example, a notification is delivered 5 seconds after the button is tapped.

Button("Meow in 5 seconds!") {
    let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
    content.title = "Meow!"
    content.body = "IM HUNGRY!! Do you like my notifiCATion?? Get it?? Now feed me."
    content.sound = .default
    let identifier = UUID().uuidString
    let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 5, repeats: false)
    center.add(UNNotificationRequest(identifier: identifier,
                                     content: content,
                                     trigger: trigger))

Using a Calendar Trigger

To trigger a notification using a calendar trigger, after gaining permission, you can specify date components as the trigger. If the current date and time matches the specified date components, the notification will be triggered.

You can set the repeat parameter, when true, the notification will be triggered every time the current date and time matches the specified date components.

Button("Meow at 1pm! Everyday!!") {
    let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
    content.title = "Meow!"
    content.body = "IM HUNGRY!! ITS 1 PM!!! FEED ME!"
    content.sound = .default
    let identifier = UUID().uuidString
    var date = DateComponents()
    date.hour = 1
    date.minute = 0
    let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: date, repeats: true)
    center.add(UNNotificationRequest(identifier: identifier,
                                     content: content,
                                     trigger: trigger))

Date components provide you with a great way to deliver notifications based on the user's date and time. In the following example, a notification is delivered at midnight on New Year's Day every year.

let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()

content.title = "MEOW!! Happy New Year!"
content.body = "IM STILL HUNGRY!!"
content.sound = .default

var date = DateComponents()
date.hour = 0
date.minute = 0
date.month = 1
date.day = 1

let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: date, repeats: true)

center.add(UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "NewYearNotification",
                                 content: content,
                                 trigger: trigger))

When Entering/Leaving a Location

You can deliver a notification when the user enters or leaves a location. To start, import the Core Location library.

import CoreLocation

To create a notification with a location trigger, you will to supply…

  • the latitude and longitude of the location,

  • a radius (in meters) to trigger the notification when the user enters, and

  • whether or not you want to send the notification when the user enters, exits, or both.

In the following example, a notification is sent every time when the user enters a 2 kilometer radius around a pet store.

Button("Meow at the Pet Store!") {
    let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
    content.title = "TREATS! I NEED TREATS!!"
    content.body = "MEOW!! I NEED TREATS!!!"
    content.sound = .default
    let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 1.351082, longitude: 103.842552)

    // Triggers when within 2 kilometers from the location
    let region = CLCircularRegion(center: location, radius: 2000.0, identifier: "Pet Store")
    region.notifyOnEntry = true
    region.notifyOnExit = false
    let trigger = UNLocationNotificationTrigger(region: region, repeats: true)
    center.add(UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "PetStoreReminder",
                                     content: content,
                                     trigger: trigger))

Customizing Notification Content

To create a notification, you must supply it with a content.

To customize the content, create a UNMutableNotificationContent. This allows you to update the content and set various properties in it.

let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()

Title, Subtitle, and Body

You add a title, subtitle, and body to your notification.

content.title = "MEOW! MEOW!! IM HUNGRY!"
content.subtitle = "FEED ME!!!"
content.body = "I know I just ate 5 minutes ago, but I'm still hungry!!! I'm a cat what do you expect?"

Notification Sounds

You can define the alert sound that plays when the notification is sent. There are several default options:

  • .default: The default notification sound

  • .defaultCritical: The default sound used for critical alerts.

  • .defaultRingtone: The default ringtone sound

  • .defaultCriticalSound(withAudioVolume: Float): The default sound used for critical alerts, with the ability for you to customize the audio volume

content.sound = .default

Custom Audio

Sound files must be less than 30 seconds. If the file is longer than 30 seconds, the system plays the default sound instead.

To add a custom audio file, the file has to use one of the following formats:

  • Linear PCM


  • µLaw

  • aLaw

You can use afconvert, a command-line tool, to convert audio files into the above formats.

To supply a custom audio, you will have to add it to your app's bundle.

let customNotificationSound = UNNotificationSoundName("CustomNotificationSound")
  • UNNotificationSound(named: customNotificationSound): Supply a custom notification sound

  • .criticalSoundNamed(customNotificationSound): Creates a custom sound for critical alerts

  • .criticalSoundNamed(customNotificationSound, withAudioVolume: 1): Creates a custom sound for alerts where you can specify the audio level

  • .ringtoneSoundNamed(customNotificationSound): Creates a custom ringtone sound

You can also use system audio files found in /Library/Sounds.


You can add attachments in the following formats:

  • Audio (5 MB limit)

    • .aiff: Audio Interchange File Format

    • .wav: Waveform Audio File Format

    • .mp3: MP-3 Audio

    • .m4a: MPEG-4 Audio

  • Image (10 MB limit)

    • .jpeg: JPEG Image

    • .gif: GIF Image

    • .png: PNG Image

  • Movie (50 MB limit)

    • .mpg / .mpeg: MPEG Video

    • .mpeg / .mpg / .m2v: MPEG-2 Video

    • .mp4 / .m4v: MPEG-4 Video

    • .avi: AVI (Audio Video Interleave)

To add attachments, you can use a UNNotificationAttachment. While the example uses a force try, remember to handle any errors that might be raised properly within production apps.

let imageURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "AngryCat", withExtension: "png")!

content.attachments = [
    try! UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "Angry Cat", url: imageURL)

Grouping Notifications

By default, on iPhone and iPad, notifications get collapsed into groups.

You can use a threadIdentifier to organize notifications into different groups. Each group of notifications should have it's own thread identifier.

content.threadIdentifier = "HungryCat"

Interruption Level

There are 4 interruption levels

  • .active: This is the default interruption level. Notification is delivered immediately, lights up the screen, and can play a sound.

  • .critical: Notification is delivered immediately, lights up the screen, and bypasses the mute switch to play a sound.

  • .passive: Notification is added to the notification list without lighting up the screen or playing a sound.

  • .timeSensitive: Notification is delivered immediately, lights up the screen, can play a sound, and breaks through system notification controls.

content.interruptionLevel = .passive

Time Sensitive Notifications

To send a time sensitive notification, you will have to add the time-sensitive entitlement.

  1. Open the top-most .xcodeproj file

  2. Select Signing & Capabilities

  3. Select + or use the Command-Shift-L keyboard shortcut

  4. Search for Time Sensitive Notifications

  5. Add it.

Now, use the time sensitive interruption level.

content.interruptionLevel = .timeSensitive

Going Further

Notification Actions

Registering Actions

Defining Actions

You will need to create a UNNotificationAction. To create it, you will need to supply an identifier, a title, and any options you might want.

The possible options are

  • .authenticationRequired: The user will have to unlock their device before they can perform this action

  • .destructive: This action is destructive and will be highlighted as a destructive action

  • .foreground: Brings your app to the foreground to continue the action. Do not use this option simply to bring your app to the foreground.

let feedAction = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "FeedAction",
                                        title: "Feed",
                                        options: [])
let ignoreAction = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "IgnoreAction",
                                         title: "Ignore",
                                         options: [.destructive])

Creating a Notification Category

To add the actions to a notification, you will have to first create a Notification Category.

let notificationCategory = UNNotificationCategory(identifier: "CatFeedRequest",
                                                  actions: [feedAction, ignoreAction],
                                                  intentIdentifiers: [],
                                                  hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder: "",
                                                  options: .customDismissAction)

Finally, you will have to register the Notification Category.


Adding Actions

To add actions into your notification, you can set the category identifier of the notification.

content.categoryIdentifier = "CatFeedRequest"

Adding User Info

You can attach pieces of information as userInfo. This allows you to append additional information that you can access when handling the notification's actions.

content.userInfo = [
    "catName": "pommy",
    "angerLevel": 100

Handling Actions

To handle actions, you will need to add an App Delegate Adapter to use the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate and implement the userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) method.

In the following example, an AppDelegate is created which conforms to the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate and you can handle the actions and retrieve the notification's userInfo.

import SwiftUI
import UserNotifications

class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
    func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
                                didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse,
                                withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
        let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
        let catName = userInfo["catName"] as! String
        let angerLevel = userInfo["angerLevel"] as! Int
        switch response.actionIdentifier {
        case "FeedAction":
            // Handle Feed Action tapped
        case "IgnoreAction":
            // Handle Ignore Action tapped
        default: break

        // Remember to call the completion handler

struct NotificationsDemoApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

Setting the Badge Count

You can set the badge number in 2 places, from a notification, by setting it through its contents

content.badge = 100

Or through the notification center


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