Jia Chen is a student developer passionate about building apps for Apple platforms and supporting the Swift community in Singapore. A two-time winner of Apple’s Swift Student Challenge, he runs various community initiatives in Singapore and beyond, including iOS Conf SG, iOS Dev Scout, and Students Swift Stars.

He graduated from Swift Accelerator in 2018, and is now one of the lead instructors.

His other experiences include technical mentor at the Apple Developer Academy and adjunct lecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Articles written by him.

Rotation Effect

Rotation Effect allows you to rotate a view around a specific point.

Scale Effect

Scale effect is a view modifier that allows you to scale a view up or down.

Conditional Rendering

Navigate between views using conditional rendering allowing you to easily swap between views.

Local Notifications

Send notifications to the user’s device locally from your app using a trigger.


Use Steppers to increment and decrement a value.


Sheets present a modal view over the current content.


Functions are self-contained chunks of code that perform a specific task.

Image Playground Sheets

Image Playground provides an easy-to-use experience to create fun, playful images.

Ternary Operators

Ternary Operators can be used to simplify conditional logic. They can be used to condense if-else statements into short one-liners.


Colors are used throughout SwiftUI from setting text colors to background colors.

Fitting & Filling Views

Views can behave in 2 ways, fitting or filling. This affects how they appear when laying out content.


A flexible space that expands along a Stack view.

Horizontal Stack

A HStack allows you to arrange subviews horizontally.

Vertical Stack

A VStack allows you to arrange subviews vertically.

Binding Variables

Binding creates a two-way connection between a property that stores data, and a view that displays and changes the data.

Date Pickers

Use Date Pickers to select an absolute date and/or time.

Color Pickers

Use Color Picker to select a color with a system UI.


Create a picker to select one of a set of options.


Toggles are controls that allow the user to switch between on and off states.

Switch Statements

A control-flow statement to compare against several different paths.


A type that stores certain values

Computed Properties

Create variables that execute code when its value is retrieved.


Optionals are a type that represents either a wrapped value or the absence of a value.

State Variables

State variables are used to provide interactivity in SwiftUI.


Create a button that responds to the user input.

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© 2025 Tinkertanker Pte Ltd / Swift Accelerator. All rights reserved.